
How To Get Facebook Page Likes Without Paying

Facebook page likes are often referred to as a "vanity metric." Something that looks nice on paper but doesn't actually affect the bottom line. We disagree.

Page likes can portray credibility, be useful when creating target audiences for Facebook ads, and help your organic posts get more reach.

With that said, page likes are weak indicators of buying intent. In other words, just because someone likes your page, it doesn't mean they'll ever become a customer. For that reason, we don't usually recommend running Facebook ads for the sole purpose of gaining more page likes.

It will often be easier to measure a true return on investment (ROI) from ads that are optimized to drive people to your website or many of the other Facebook ad objectives. Plus, there's a more effective and less expensive way to get page likes. That method is what we're going to share with you today.

Anytime somebody likes or reacts to something you post, Facebook makes it easy for you to invite them to like your page if they haven't already done so. Let's start by discussing how to do this for posts and promoted posts.

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How to Invite Someone to Like Your Page After They Like or React to Your Post or Promoted Post

Step 1: Click where it shows your post reactions (either a number or a couple names)
Facebook Post Reactions Link

Step 2: Make sure you have the "All" tab selected at the top (only necessary if the post received more than one type of reaction).
Facebook All Reactions Tab

Step 3: Scroll through and click every button that says "Invite."
Facebook Invite Link

The people you invite will get a notification that tells them that they've been invited to like your page. If you're Facebook friends with a person you invite, the notification will say that you personally invited them to like the page (it will display your name). If you aren't Facebook friends with them, the notification will come from your page itself.

Not everyone you invite will like your page but we've found that the success rates are pretty good. If you do this consistently, you will definitely notice an increase in page likes over time.

You'll want to use this method any time you get likes on a post that you've promoted or boosted, or when you get likes from a post that was shared or that tagged someone else. These are the posts that have the best opportunity to get likes from people who don't already like your page. The other posts on your page may get a lot of likes, but those likes are usually all from people who already like your page.

How to Invite Someone to Like Your Page After They Like or React to Your Facebook Ad

Step 1: Open your Ads Manager account.

Step 2: Open the "Ads" tab.
Facebook Ads Manager Ads Tab

Step 3: Click the ad you want to open (make sure it's one with likes/reactions).
Facebook Ads Manager Ads List

Step 4: Click the "Preview" Button.
Facebook Ad Preview Button

Step 5: Click the square button in the upper right-hand corner.
Facebook Ad Preview Launch Button

Step 6: Click "Facebook Post with Comments" under "See Post."
Facebook Post with Comments Link

Step 7: If you are an admin on the page with your personal account, skip this step. If you're managing this page through Facebook Business Manager, you'll need to replace "www" in the URL with "business" and hit enter. Do not click the "Go to Business Manager…" link at the top of the page because the page will refresh and you will no longer be able to see the ad.
Replace www with business

Step 8: Click where it shows your post reactions (either a number or a couple names)
Facebook Post Reactions Link

Step 9: Make sure you have the "All" tab selected on the top (only necessary if the post received more than one type of reaction).
Facebook All Reactions Tab

Step 10: Scroll through and click every button that says "Invite."
Facebook Invite Link

Just like with the posts, everyone who you've invited will get a notification asking them to like your page. This is a great way to make the advertising dollars you're spending go a little further. If someone likes your ad but doesn't take any other action, you may never get another chance to get back in front of them. But, if you get them to like your page, they have a chance of seeing your organic posts from now on and you can deliver new ads to them whenever you like.

And that's all there is to it. Follow these easy steps for your posts and ads once a week and watch those likes come pouring in!

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How To Get Facebook Page Likes Without Paying


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