
autocad civil 3d road design video

Autodesk Civil 3D training

AutoCAD Civil 3D Training for Engineers

This lesson series is for those wishing to learn how to leverage Civil 3D 2018 (and below) to its fullest. All aspects of the program are covered. These lessons are taught by a practicing civil engineer using real-world projects and data.

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  • Widening and Offset Alignments

AutoCAD Civil 3D 2018 Training Highlights

  • Introduction and Overview
  • User Interface
    • New drawing file format
    • 3D Graphics improvements
    • System Variable Monitor
    • XREF Improvements
  • Drawing and Editing
    • Offscreen object selection
    • Snapping and complex linetypes
    • PDF enhancements, converting SHX text back to text in the drawing
    • MTEXT conversion enhancements
  • Civil 3D Specific
    • Offset profiles
    • Connected alignments
    • Connected alignment profiles
    • Multiple baselines
    • Corridor cleanup (bowties)
    • Section view groups
    • Section view drafting buffer
    • Plan and profile
    • Feature lines
    • Property sets in labels
    • Gravity pipe networks
  • Summary and review

AutoCAD Civil 3D 2017 Training Highlights

  • Introduction and Overview
  • User Interface
    • The Autodesk Desktop App
    • Receiving updates
    • License manager enhancements
  • Drawing and Editing
    • Block enhancements
    • Dialogs and ToolTip enhancements
    • 2D Graphics enhancements
    • Center marks
    • Centerline objects
    • Editing text
  • PDF Enhancements
    • Create lines, arcs, polylines and text from a PDF file.
    • Options
    • Review and cleanup
    • Importing a TOPO
  • Output Options
    • Share Design View
    • 3D Printing
  • Civil 3D
    • Data Shortcuts
    • Corridors - extracting solids
    • Feature lines
    • Corner cleanup
    • Styles
    • Pressure networks
    • Reports
    • A new line tool
    • Parcel properties
    • Finding surface high and low points
  • Summary and review

AutoCAD Civil 3D 2016 Training Highlights

  • Introduction and Overview
  • User Interface
    • Start screen
    • Layout tab enhancements
    • New customization options
    • Lock User Interface tool
    • Ribbon galleries
    • Command finder
  • Drawing and Editing
    • Revision cloud enhancements
    • Dimensioning enhancements
    • MTEXT Frame
    • Geometric Snap
    • Graphics enhancements
    • Cursor badges (on/off)
    • XREF property overrides
  • PDF Enhancements
    • Separate PDF and DWF export options
    • Some properties now separate from plot properties
    • Include hyperlinks
    • Create bookmarks
    • New PDF quality settings
  • Civil 3D
    • Data Shortcut Manager Enhancements
    • Crossing Pipe Labels
    • Flip section view direction
  • Summary and review

AutoCAD Civil 3D 2015 Training Highlights

  • Introduction and Overview
  • General Enhancements
    • Template changes
    • Help
    • Export Civil 3D
    • Google Earth
  • Alignments and Profiles
    • AASHTO Update
    • Section sampling increments
    • Vert. curve through pass-through point
    • Lock/unlock parameters
    • Extend tangents/curves to end of profile
    • Anchoring a profile to alignment point
  • Corridors
    • 3D Area
    • Replacing an assembly
    • Assembly insertions
    • Sight distance calcs
    • More...
  • Labels
    • Stagger labels
    • Reference objects for labels
  • Summary and review

AutoCAD Civil 3D 2014 Training Highlights

  • Introduction and Overview
  • General Enhancements
    • Templates
    • Layers
    • Commands and styles
  • Survey
    • Queries
    • Figures
  • Pressure Pipe Networks
    • Creating from objects
    • Editing in plan view
    • Editing in profile view
    • Editing in 3D
    • Tables
    • Data shortcuts
    • Parts lists
    • Displaying crossings
  • Corridors
    • XREF changes
  • Summary and review

AutoCAD Civil 3D 2013 Training Highlights

  • Introduction and Overview
  • Survey Query
    • Introduction
    • Building a Survey Query
    • Previewing the results
    • Review of Query commands
    • Using the Query with surfaces
  • New Features and Changes
    • New drawing format and performance improvements
    • New Railroad Alignment object
      • Introduction
      • Setting up design criteria
      • Creating and editing the alignment
      • Working with "cants"
      • Labels and cant views
      • Profiles and profile view
    • Assembly enhancements
    • Corridor enhancements
    • Volumes dashboard
  • Pressure Pipe Networks
    • Introduction and setup
    • Settings
    • Network creation tools
    • Profile view
    • Depth check
    • Design Check
  • Summary and review

AutoCAD Civil 3D 2012 Training Highlights

  • Introduction and Overview
  • Styles
    • Style Manager
    • Using styles from other drawings is now easier
    • Replacing an in-use style
    • Finding an in-use style
    • Purging unused styles
    • Point label rotation options
    • New options for point label width
  • Surfaces
    • New "Level of Detail" feature for optimized zoom performance when your drawing has lots of contours or tin triangles.
    • Elevation Analysis using a datum
    • The new "Catchment" object
    • Storm and Sanitary analysis
  • Alignments, Corridors & Sections
    • New Constraint functionality for more flexibility when working with an alignment
    • New alignment tangency check alerts you to tangency issues
    • New cross-section viewing options
    • The new "Section Slider" bar
    • The new "Station Tracker" tool
    • Changes to assemblies and subassemblies
    • Grip editing target surfaces
    • Section station selection
    • Sample line enhancements
    • Superelevation enhancements

Highlights from Civil 3D 2011 & 2010

  • Introduction and Overview
  • General Features
    • User interface enhancements
    • New functionality for "properties"
    • Ribbon enhancements (2011)
    • Grid enhancements (2011)
    • Data shortcuts (2011)
    • New Navigation bar (2011)
    • New report features (2011)
    • New label features
  • Survey / Points
    • List available points (2011)
    • Point group display order (2011)
    • Geodetic inverse (2011)
    • The new "Import Survey Data Wizard"
    • Linework definition files
    • Importing from ASCII files
    • Importing points from other drawings
  • Surface Features
    • Improved performance, especially for large or complex surfaces
    • Importing point cloud data (2011)
    • Working with point could object (2011)
    • Merge and split surfaces (2011)
    • Using a datum on a bounded volume (2011)
    • New clip boundary options
    • Contour improvements
    • New masking options for contour labels
  • Alignments and Profiles
    • New options for creating alignments from objects
    • Automatic curve widening (2011)
    • New masking options for alignments
    • Dynamic offset alignments
    • Dynamic widening alignments
    • The new "Intersection Object"
    • Hatching cut and fill areas of a profile
    • New options for profile labels
  • Corridors & Sections
    • New "Visibility" command (2011)
    • New "Drive" command lets you take a drive along your corridor (2011)
    • Streamlined superelevations (2011)
    • User interface changes and enhancements
    • New options for selecting, isolating, and editing a region
    • Zooming in to a region
  • Parcels
    • The new "Preview Graphics" feature
    • New options for frontage, including offset, width, and depth parameters
    • Changes to the SlideAngle/Slide Direction commands
  • Pipes and Hydrology
    • Split or merge a pipe network (2011)
    • Vertex elevations (2011)
    • Civil 3D 2010 working together with Hydraflow Storm Sewers Extension
    • New commands for more streamlined integration
    • Exporting a pipe network to Storm Sewers
    • Caveats when exporting, things to watch for.
    • Exporting the pipe network back to Civil 3D from Storm Sewers.
    • Labeling and display options
  • Sections
    • Section sheets (2011)
    • New volume calculation methods (2011)
  • Labels
    • New formatting settings (2011)
    • Geodetic labeling (2011)

Lesson Highlights for AutoCAD Civil 3D 2009 Training

  • Introduction and Overview
  • Project Management and General Features
    • New look-and-feel for the user interface
    • New functionality for the prospector
    • New features for Vault
    • Changing labels with the Properties Dialog
  • New Label and Drafting Features
    • Now label objects in an XREF
    • New anchor points for labels
    • The Parcel Segment label object
    • Vertical scale for profiles
    • High/low point labels in profiles
    • Leading zero in bearings
    • More...
  • Alignment, Profiles & Cross-Sections
    • Add best-fit lines & curves to an alignment
    • Add best-fit lines & curves to a profile
    • New options to label vertical components of an alignment
    • Layout alignments using "Criteria based design factors"
    • Design to minimum radius curves, speed limit requirements, maximum grades and more
    • Design to AASHTO standards
    • Using the Design Criteria Editor
    • Create circular vertical curves by length as well as radius
    • Create stacked profile views for offset profiles
    • New cross section wizard
    • User defined cross-section widths (not the same as a sample line)
    • User defined cross-section heights
  • Corridor & 3D Model Features
    • Using survey figures, feature lines, and even pipe networks as targets for corridor design
    • Create dynamically linked grading feature lines
    • New predefined assemblies and sub-assemblies
    • New functionality for viewing corridor sections
    • New Mass Haul diagram
  • New Surface Features
    • New "Simplify Surface" tool
    • Removing surface points
    • Placing surface data in an external file
    • Weeding and Supplementing in breakline creation
    • Data clip boundary type
    • Determine a catchment area to a point
    • New compaction and expansion factors
  • New Grading Features
    • Grading-to-grading cleanup
    • Editing or removing a fillet from a feature line
    • Creating a feature line from an alignment
    • New options for resolving "split points"
  • Pipe/Hydrology Features
    • Renumbering a series of pipes in a pipe network
    • Adding spanning labels to pipes in profile views
    • Cleaning up pipe connections
    • Hydraflow Extensions for Civil 3D
  • New Survey
    • TDS Survey link installation
    • Added support for U.S. Survey Foot
    • Translating an entire survey database
    • New mapcheck features

The following is also included along with much, much more...

  • Project and tools
    • Project templates
    • Moving from Land Desktop to Civil 3D
    • The Info Center
    • Autodesk Vault Explorer
    • Inquiry tool
    • Drag-and-drop style
    • Report manager
    • Curve-Calculator
  • Points
    • Points as independent objects
    • Point settings and styles
    • Edit points and point data properties
    • Importing and editing
    • Creating a point group
    • Points in a table
    • Create points along alignment using profile elevations
    • Edit multiple point elevations
    • Point rotation
    • Transparent commands toolbar
    • Setting point elevations
  • Labels
    • Labels as independent objects
    • Labels linked to other objects
    • Editing label objects
    • Labeling AutoCAD objects (line, arc polyline)
    • Note labels
    • Expressions, special characters, and rounding options
    • Label mask
    • Label anchors and grips
  • Sites and Parcels
    • Overview
    • Creating a site
    • Creating a parcel
    • Parcel label styles
    • Subdividing parcels
    • Editing parcels
    • Creating a parcel table
    • Parcel reports
    • Setting user defined parcels in parcel properties
    • Export map check and inverse data
  • Surfaces
    • Surface settings and styles
    • Creating surfaces
    • Adding points
    • Importing and exporting DEM data
    • Modifying and deleting points
    • Creating contours
    • Check for problem contours
    • Labeling contours
    • Creating a surface mask
    • Creating a surface analysis
    • Extracting entities for a surface
    • Creating 3D polylines from contours
    • Working with Google Earth images
  • Alignments & Profiles
    • Alignment features
    • Creating alignments
    • Editing alignments
    • Converting lines and curves to alignment objects
    • The "Plan Production" tool
    • Creating a profile
    • Profile views
    • Creating sample lines and sections
    • Spirals
    • Vertical curve options
    • Editing labels using grips
    • Quick profiles
    • Group editing profiles
    • New profile Wizards
  • Corridors and Assemblies
    • The corridor concept
    • The corridor surface
    • The corridor boundary
    • Creating an assembly
    • Creating a simple corridor
    • Editing a corridor
    • Creating a corridor surface
    • Cross-section creation
    • Quantity takeoffs
    • Grip edit a corridor region
    • Grip edit a section view
    • Edit subassemblies in section view
  • Grading
    • Grading enhancements
    • Grading groups and sites
    • One vs. many grading groups
    • Grading methods
    • Cut and fill options
    • Feature lines
    • Using the grading editor
    • Editing feature lines
    • Volumes
    • Balancing cut and fill
  • Pipes
    • Settings for pipes
    • Creating a pipe network
    • Creating and editing the profile view
    • Adding labels
    • The Parts Builder
    • Interference checks
    • Using polyline and arc to create a network
    • Creating a table for structures and pipes
    • Labeling a span of connected pipes
  • Survey Enhancements
    • The Survey Toolbox
    • Creating a new survey
    • Survey database and properties
    • Creating a new network
    • Traverse & adjustments (including least squares)
    • Importing the network into a drawing
    • Creating points from survey data
    • Updating the drawing survey objects
  • Import/Export (Including LandXML)
    • LandXML overview
    • LandXML limitations
    • Importing data from Land Desktop
    • Exporting data to Land Desktop
    • Importing and exporting DEM data

Requirements: Pentium i3 or above, 1280 x 960 or higher video resolution, sound card and speakers, CD-ROM drive, 4 GB RAM. Windows 7 and above for most versions. Windows Media Player 12 or higher.

Basic installation requires 10 MB hard drive space. Additional hard drive space is required if you choose to store the lesson files on your hard drive instead of running them from the CD-ROM. Note that lesson files can be stored on a network hard drive and shared among other registered users of the product. (A separate copy must be purchased for each computer that you wish to run the software on.)

autocad civil 3d road design video


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