
How To Start A Blog For Writers

Shauna believes that knowledge should be shared, especially with those who can gain from it without learning the hard way.

A buried byline gets the guest writer nowhere

A buried byline gets the guest writer nowhere

I've seen it happen too many times. A writer is invited to guest post and they gain no headline, let alone a byline. Or it's buried in the text below where it's never seen by the Google gods who can bring light to this guest author. After all, isn't the point of guest posting to bring recognition to the author?

Amateur writers think they have it going on because they have a website and a blog that is updated weekly.

But that's only the beginning.

If you ask for and accept guest posts, you need to know how to present and attribute the authors who take time out of their schedules to offer their wisdom. In order for their and your time to be worthy - especially if you're only offering exposure and not payment for their time, effort, and wisdom - you need to take the spotlight off yourself and shine it on the author(s) you've invited to your space.

If you don't give your guest writer proper attribution, you're not only wasting their valuable time, but it's disrespectful to the author.

If you're serious about promoting writers on your site it's imperative you do the following:

Use Your Guest's Byline

To entitle your guest post as, "Guest Post by So-and-So" will never be found by Google, so why bother going through the effort of bringing this author to the forefront? And why would s/he bother taking time out of their busy day to fill in your content gaps?

After all, the reader on the other end of the search bar is not likely to Google "Guest post by Joe Author", but is more likely to be searching for keywords that appear in the title.

Makes sense, right?

Entitle your blog post with your guest author's title. Below that, instead of adding your name, give entitlement (the byline) to your guest author: by Awesome Writer.

There are many blogs online that pay guests for their posts and the authors are given bylines in addition to remuneration. If you can't afford to pay your guest authors, the least you can do is raise their credibility with the search engines by taking yourself out of the picture and shining the light on those who have taken the time to support your site.

John Hansen's byline on my blog

John Hansen's byline on my blog

It's Okay to Introduce Your Guest Author

Granted, it's your website. Everyone knows that, given your URL. That said, it's perfectly acceptable to introduce your guest author. Just do him/her and yourself a favor by throwing in a blurb about why you invited/accepted the author to grace your blog pages. Everyone likes a pat on the back, right? Make it brief then turn the post over to your guest author.

Subheads Provide Benefits to Your Post

  1. Subheads give your readers the opportunity to choose which area(s) of information will most benefit them.
  2. They give the reader a natural stopping point when interruptions occur.
  3. Subheads break up long text, bettering the chances of your readers staying on the page.
  4. Google loves subheads, especially H2 and H3. This tells Google the information underneath is important. The subheads act as keywords, which increases the possibility of your post coming up in SERPs (Search Engine Result Pages). You can utilize these subheads by clicking on Format/Styles and Formatting in Word. A box will open up to the right of the page. You'll want to use Heading (H1) for your title. Heading 2 for subs and Heading 3 for sub-subs. (Sub-subs are headings that pertain to and further define the previous subheading).

Make Your Guidelines Clear

Most bloggers have a consistent format they incorporate into their posts. Whether it's subheads, minimum/maximum number of photos, infographics, videos, word count, etc. it's important you clearly state any specific guidelines you want your guest to follow. Be clear upfront, before the author puts in their time and research. If you don't have submission guidelines posted on your website, state them clearly in an email when you accept a pitch.

Ask your guest author to send any properly attributed photos they'd like included in their post as separate jpeg attachments. That way you can save them to your computer and upload them as you normally do for your own posts.

It's also helpful to ask your guest to indicate on their copy where they would like any attachments to appear. When I'm writing a post, whether for my blog, or HubPages, I always make a notation directly in my copy where I plan on inserting a photo or video. In the case of videos, I note the link. That way I can go directly to it and copy the URL into the post without having to search for it. Just make sure you don't include the notes when you're copying the post to your blog page!

The Advantages of Guest Blogging

Read More From Toughnickel

Proofread, Edit, and Get Final Approval

Let your author know beforehand that you will proof and edit their contribution before posting. Read over the copy and check for spelling and grammar errors. Don't be afraid to make suggestions to the author if you find inconsistencies or repeated words.

Once you've completed the edit round, send it to your author for approval. Don't post any changes they don't agree with (except for spelling errors).

A very important step in the editing process happens once you copy/paste the post into your CMS (Content Management System). It's vital you take this step. Most Word docs lose some formatting when transferred into your website's blog pages. Take the time to correct spacing between sentences and paragraphs. If bold text gets lost, re-bold it.

Check that all links work and open in a new window. This can be done while in edit mode in your CMS. Simply click on the link. You should get an edit box that pops up. Click on the chain in the box. This will bring up another box showing the link and giving you the option to have it open in a new window. Click that option and save. It's very important you take this step; the last thing you want is to have your readers click off your site when following a link.

Go back over the copy one more time to make sure everything is lined up, looks good, and reads well before hitting the Publish button. You want you and your guest to shine. Having a sloppy looking post is not a good reflection on either one of you.

Include a Brief Bio

At the end of the post, include a head shot of your author along with a brief bio (written by the author). Make sure they include a link to their own website. It's also recommended to include a link to their LinkedIn and Google+ profile pages as well. This gives the author backlinks and increases their online presence in the search engines.

I've had two authors guest for me on Bravewarrior's Feathered pen. Most of you know them: Vicki Warner of Life Talks – I Write and John Hansen, aka Jodah of HubPages.

Here's a screen shot of Vicki's bio as posted on my blog:

Vicki Warner's bio on the guest post she did for me

Vicki Warner's bio on the guest post she did for me

Be My Guest by Fats Domino


Guest posting is a great way for an author to build his/her brand. When laid out properly, it gives the writer another searchable link when their name is Googled, which increases visibility and credibility. It also provides an online sample of their work that carries with it a byline. And it brings more traffic to the host's site as well.

When you want to share the spotlight with respected authors by inviting them to be a guest on your blog, do it right. Treat the post as you do your own by following these guidelines:

  1. Entitle the post with the author's title, just as you would if it were your own.
  2. Give the author the byline. Remove your name underneath the title and replace it with theirs.
  3. Make the layout as clean as if it were your own post. Make sure the text is properly aligned and free of errors.
  4. Include a headshot and brief author bio, including links to their site.

Have any of you been a guest on another writer's site? Have you had guest writers on your blog? What was your experience? Did your site see more traffic as the result?

I hope this little tutorial has enlightened you. Share with us in the comments section below.



Shauna L Bowling

This article is accurate and true to the best of the author's knowledge. Content is for informational or entertainment purposes only and does not substitute for personal counsel or professional advice in business, financial, legal, or technical matters.

© 2014 Shauna L Bowling

Shauna L Bowling (author) from Central Florida on August 10, 2018:

You're welcome, Peg. I read the first in your series. I look forward to what the other guests have to say.

Peg Cole from North Dallas, Texas on August 10, 2018:

This is essential information for writers and guests as well. I'm currently doing a series of interviews and this has provided a lot of helpful tips for highlighting the guests properly. Thanks so much.

Shauna L Bowling (author) from Central Florida on June 09, 2018:

Sandeep, I refer to the blogger's Google account, not gmail. Most writers have a Google presence in addition to LinkedIn, Facebook, etc. where they showcase their work.

As far as submitting to the owner of a site, simply contact them via their website and pitch your idea.

Sandeep on June 09, 2018:

Thanks, Would like to know without adding the Gmail account, how to add Guest post or how people submit the post to the admin of the blog.

Shauna L Bowling (author) from Central Florida on November 15, 2017:

Bethany, Google sees that as plagiarism. Even though you're the author, the same article appearing on two different sites raises a red flag to Google. What you can do is make sure the person who owns the site to which you're guesting provides a link to your own site. That way, your traffic will increase and readers can discover what else you have to offer.

Bethany on November 14, 2017:

Thanks for such a useful post! I just have one question:

If I write a blog post for someone, can I also publish it on my own blog?

Shauna L Bowling (author) from Central Florida on September 16, 2017:

Nevena, just please make sure you give them proper credit as outlined in my article. It'll boost your views, increase your credibility and will help put your guest writer's name in the spotlight. Everyone wins!

Nevena on September 16, 2017:

I love this post! I was considering inviting someone to guest write for my blog if they feel like it! This is reassuring! Thanks!

Shauna L Bowling (author) from Central Florida on September 16, 2017:

Maud, I couldn't ask for a better comment. You've made me feel I did my job in presenting an informative, easy-to-follow article on the subject.

Thank you so much!

Maud Fitch on September 16, 2017:

Thank you so much for your great advice. After searching the web, I can say that you are the only author I found with clear, concise, constructive information on this subject.

Tamara Moore on June 16, 2017:

Oh, thank you so much as I did not realize that we could not include a link to outside guest sources. I better go delete the link before my article is de-featured.

There is so much info on Hubpage about writing stellar Hubs that I haven't gotten through even 1/4 of all the info, yet!

Thank you, again!

Shauna L Bowling (author) from Central Florida on June 16, 2017:

Tamara, honestly I don't think HP is the proper place to feature guest writers. For one, we don't own our little corners of the site. Secondly, we can't properly feature a guest writer on this site because it breaks protocol if you include a link to the guests' Google and outside website profiles.

In order to properly feature a guest writer, you need to give them the page and complete credit for the article. If you have your own blog or website where you own the domain name, that's the place to let your guests shine.

Shauna L Bowling (author) from Central Florida on June 16, 2017:

You're very welcome, Shyron. I like to pass on to my writer friends tricks of the trade I've learned in my travels.

Shauna L Bowling (author) from Central Florida on June 16, 2017:

Tamara, I'll check out your article and get back with you.

When I was a writer for hire and had my own website, I did beaucoup learning about exposing yourself to the right markets in a professional manner. I studied the bloggers who make six figures, sat in on webinars, joined workshops, etc. I employed the same tactics when I had guest writers on my website (which I took down a year ago when I went back to work in the outside world). I felt it only right to highlight them and make them the stars of the show. Hopefully, they gained traffic to their own sites and products by my doing so.

Shyron E Shenko from Texas on June 15, 2017:

Wow, Shauna this is amazing and informative.

Thank you for the detailed information.

Blessings my friend.

Tamara Moore on June 15, 2017:

Thanks to you article, I redid my post in order to give the proper respect and spotlight to the guest speaker. I think it is better than it was before, now! Thank you

Tamara Moore on June 15, 2017:

I am elated to have found this article of yours because I had a guest speaker in one of my posts and did not spotlight him correctly!

Below is the link to my article and if possible for you to glance over it, you will see that my guest is more toward the bottom, and not given proper respect according to your article. I want to change this!

Perhaps you could give me a pointer, or two, about my own article? I would be honored and very obliged if you might do so! Below is the link:


Shauna L Bowling (author) from Central Florida on March 22, 2017:

I'm glad you found this information helpful, Nell. Just trying to do my part in passing on tips I've learned along the way.

Nell Rose from England on March 21, 2017:

This was great info shauna, and something I will take on board in future, great stuff!

Suzie from Carson City on February 11, 2017:

Sha.....No, GF. No need to feel badly. I do not have a blog. My comment was strictly HP related. If I choose to do an interview, I would feature it on my HP site.....Believe me, If I had a site exclusively my own, you would have the info!!

Shauna L Bowling (author) from Central Florida on February 11, 2017:

Paula, I love your idea of featuring someone with an interesting story to tell. I feel somewhat ashamed, though. I wasn't aware you have a blog. Shame on me! Please send me the link!

Suzie from Carson City on February 10, 2017:

GF....You're just so good at what you do. I LOVE that you shared this valuable info with your readers. I welcome all tips & advice from those who know of what they teach!! '

I've thought a few times about featuring a guest and/or conducting an interview. Perhaps a fellow-writer, but maybe a particularly unique individual with a fascinating life & successful career.

Hope all goes well for you, GF...on this busy Friday & becomes a really great week-end for you! Hugs, Paula

Shauna L Bowling (author) from Central Florida on February 10, 2017:

Fliss, I'm thrilled you took the time to read this post and leave a comment.

I took a look at your site and love what I see. It's very clean, easy to navigate and offers valuable information. Additionally, it looks very professional. I love your guidelines for guest bloggers.

I wish you much success. Clean living has once again become a way of life for many. Keep spreading the word!

Shauna L Bowling (author) from Central Florida on September 08, 2016:

Rolly, it's always an honor when someone respects your work and what you have to offer enough to put you in front of an audience you may not have had otherwise.

I'm glad you approve of this article. It means a lot.

Rolly A. Chabot on September 08, 2016:

Hi Shauna...

I have had the good fortune to have been asked to do several interviews and guest blog and the experience has always been wonderful. I do love and respect all of the points you have brought up, very professional and educational... well done my friend.

Hugs from Canada

Shauna L Bowling (author) from Central Florida on January 22, 2016:

Randy, let me know where I can find you. I love your stories and don't want to miss out. You can email me any time.

Shauna L Bowling (author) from Central Florida on January 22, 2016:

Alastar, I'm sure your readers love Randy. I know I do! And thank you for taking the time to read this and comment. Much appreciated!

Randy Godwin from Southern Georgia on January 21, 2016:

Still here but not as often as I once was because HP has destroyed my traffic since the subdomains are now extinct. It's pretty much hopeless to publish anything--especially fiction--on HP anymore. I'm slowly removing my hubs from here to other places in the meantime.

Alastar--Will look forward to your question. :)

Alastar Packer from North Carolina on January 21, 2016:

You sure have it right, Shauna. Very fine hub. And thank you for the kind sentiments on the site, Randy. Your always a most welcome contributor, the readers love your writes my friend, and from all over the world at that. Gonna shoot you a question tonight about an animal species which doesn't seem to be extant in your parts, but want to check w/you

Shauna L Bowling (author) from Central Florida on January 21, 2016:

Randy, it's great to see you here. Where've you been? I miss your stories!

Thank you for the kudos on this hub. I felt the need to write it because, too often, I see guest posters on blogs who don't get the proper credit for their work. There's a way to feature your guest that allows their name to come up in searches, which helps them spread their name through Google recognition. Guesting also gives the writer another notch to claim in their portfolio when marketing themselves as a writer for hire. When you read the blogs of six-figure bloggers, you'll see how professionally (and respectfully) the guests are presented. The most important thing is to give the guest poster the byline. That's the first step in helping them rank. Using your own byline, then introducing them in the text doesn't allow that to happen.

It's all about recognition and exposure.

Randy Godwin from Southern Georgia on January 21, 2016:

Hey Shauna, don't know how I missed this hub but it well deserved the HOTD selection. I've contributed several guest writes to fellow hubber Alastar Packer's Carolinian's Archives and he always gives a great introduction and links to HP as well.

I've contributed several historical fiction tales as well as a former HOTD nonfiction hub on his wonderful site. You pr0vide some very good advice in this article about how the owner of a site should recognize a guest writer. Thanks for providing this info. :)


Shauna L Bowling (author) from Central Florida on June 20, 2015:

Linda, I'm glad you enjoyed this. I was thrilled when I was notified it was and HOTD. My one and only!

Linda Rogers from Minnesota on June 20, 2015:

Very well written hub on the respectful and right way to bring on a guest blogger or hubber. I have had a few guest post's on my blog but haven't done it in a long time. I really appreciate the great tips and information. How cool this hub got the HOTD but I'm not at all surprised.

Shauna L Bowling (author) from Central Florida on March 12, 2015:

Kim, I completely understand. When I was building my website I was terrified. I was definitely travelling in unknown waters! But I was determined to do it and do it I did. You can too. Trust yourself and watch any of the tutorials the site host offers.

இڿڰۣ-- кιмвєяℓєу from Niagara Region, Canada on March 11, 2015:

This is great advice, Sha. I'm in the process of starting my own "website" but ended up not finishing and getting cold feet. It's still unpublished and out in limbo. You have all the nuts and bolts in my head churning once again. I might have to take another looksy.

Shauna L Bowling (author) from Central Florida on March 03, 2015:

Thank you for stopping by, Vellur. I'm glad you found this helpful and worthy of sharing!

Nithya Venkat from Dubai on March 03, 2015:

Great pointers to feature a guest blogger. Very helpful and great guidelines.Thank you for sharing.

Shauna L Bowling (author) from Central Florida on February 06, 2015:

Cammy, I'm glad you found the right pool for your thoughts! :-)

I appreciate you stopping by. I love seeing new faces in my little HP corner.

Cammy Walters on February 06, 2015:

Very insightful article, and much of what has been swimming around in my thoughts lately. Thanks for sharing! Blessings!

Shauna L Bowling (author) from Central Florida on February 04, 2015:

Thanx for checking back, Iris. I'm pleased with the amount of traffic as well. Who knew?

Cristen Iris from Boise, Idaho on February 04, 2015:

I am so pleased to see so much traffic on this article. It really is well done and it provides excellent information! It's gratifying to see it, and you, get the much deserved recognition. :)

Shauna L Bowling (author) from Central Florida on February 01, 2015:

I'm glad you found this useful, John. Thanx for reading and hanging on to it for future reference!

John A Williams on January 29, 2015:

Great article and information. I will use this for future reference.

Shauna L Bowling (author) from Central Florida on January 27, 2015:

You're welcome, Samprita!

Shauna L Bowling (author) from Central Florida on January 27, 2015:

Thank you, Faith. I'm honored to have earned HOTD!

Shauna L Bowling (author) from Central Florida on January 27, 2015:

Cynthia, I'm so pleased you will hang on to this as a reference. I couldn't ask for a better compliment! Thank you for stopping by.

Shauna L Bowling (author) from Central Florida on January 27, 2015:

Lizzy, thanx for the votes, shares and congrats. Maybe one day you'll get back to your blogs and give them some love!

Shauna L Bowling (author) from Central Florida on January 27, 2015:

Colorfulone, that's great that you've guested several times. I hope the host gave you the byline and included a bio for you.

Dr. Samprita Sahu from Indore, India on January 26, 2015:

Great info!!! Thanks.....

Faith Reaper from southern USA on January 26, 2015:

Woo Hoo, Sha! Congrats on the HOTD. Well-deserved.

Go girlfriend! Keep up the amazing work.

Hugs and much love always

Cynthia Zirkwitz from Vancouver Island, Canada on January 26, 2015:

Congrats on HOTD for this very useful and clearly written hub-- I will certainly refer back to it! Voted up, useful, shared and pinned! ~Cynthia

Liz Elias from Oakley, CA on January 26, 2015:

Congrats on HOTD!

You've raised some great points, and explained them all well. Kudos to you.

Though I don't have a website, and my blogs are sadly neglected, this is good information to tuck away for future reference.

Voted up, interesting and useful, also Pinned.

Susie Lehto from Minnesota on January 26, 2015:

I use to get asked to be a guest on blogs when I was writing on another site, and accepted the invites a few times. I have not had a guest blogger, but if I ever get that far, I will have this information to help welcome them.

Shauna L Bowling (author) from Central Florida on January 26, 2015:

Maria, congrats on the invite. That's such an honor! Make sure the host gives you the byline and includes a bio with links at the end. You'll provide the bio and a head shot. If the host doesn't ask for either, you may want to direct them to this article before posting your contribution. Make sure they give credit where credit is due and lead people back to your own site.

Shauna L Bowling (author) from Central Florida on January 26, 2015:

Michelle, everything takes time, especially in the online world. There are sooooo many websites and competitors out there!

It's nice to see you here. I see you on Iris' blog all the time. You two look like sisters, but I'm sure you've heard that before.

Thanx for the read and the congrats. Much appreciated!

MariaMontgomery from Coastal Alabama, USA on January 26, 2015:

Thank you so much for some valuable info. I was recently invited to write a guest post on a gardening website. It will be the first time I have done this, so I still have a lot to learn.

Michelle Scoggins from Fresno, CA on January 26, 2015:

Great job Shauna and definitely thumbs up on getting recognized with a hub of the day. I am fairly new to blogging and this added a fund of information that I otherwise would not have had. I have guest blogged and felt it was a honoring experience. I have not thought about having a guest blogger but I will entertain that idea in the future with hopes of gaining more traffic and connections. My poor little blog is barely above water at this point. But I have faith that it will all come full circle. Great job again and have a great week.

Shauna L Bowling (author) from Central Florida on January 26, 2015:

Thank you, Elsie. I'm glad you found it of interest.

Elsie Hagley from New Zealand on January 26, 2015:

Very interesting article.

Congratulations for HOTD

Shauna L Bowling (author) from Central Florida on January 26, 2015:

Yeah, how 'bout that, Mike! I'm just tickled pink!

mckbirdbks from Emerald Wells, Just off the crossroads,Texas on January 26, 2015:

WOW, FRONT PAGE NEWS - Congratulations!

Shauna L Bowling (author) from Central Florida on January 26, 2015:

You're welcome, allfindout. Thank you for taking the time to read this post.

Shauna L Bowling (author) from Central Florida on January 26, 2015:

Thank you, Deb!

Shauna L Bowling (author) from Central Florida on January 26, 2015:

Thank you, Marlene. I'm beaming! on January 26, 2015:

Thanks :)

Deborah Neyens from Iowa on January 26, 2015:

Congratulations on your HOTD, Shauna! And great tips, as always.

Marlene Bertrand from USA on January 26, 2015:

Such wonderful advice. I read this when you first published it, but I wanted to come back to say congratulations on receiving Hub of the Day.

Shauna L Bowling (author) from Central Florida on January 26, 2015:

Cool. Thanx, Debra!

Debra Allen from West By God on January 26, 2015:

I put the link on my Tips for Advertising and promotions hub.

Shauna L Bowling (author) from Central Florida on January 26, 2015:

Awesome, Debra. Thank you!

Shauna L Bowling (author) from Central Florida on January 26, 2015:

Peg, it works both ways. If you ever guest post for a blogger, make sure they give you proper respect. It helps both of you.

And thanx!

Debra Allen from West By God on January 26, 2015:

Bravewarrior, I am going to link this with my business hubs. It's all business.

Shauna L Bowling (author) from Central Florida on January 26, 2015:

Mary, thanx for dropping back by. Blogging isn't for everyone. I basically do it to keep my site fresh and falling in rank. It's a marketing tool for my business, so I'd be cutting the nose off my face if I don't give it some love.

Thanx for the congrats!

Shauna L Bowling (author) from Central Florida on January 26, 2015:

Debra, I was getting a little lax with my site by the end of 2014. I made a vow to myself that I won't let that happen this year. Call it a New Year's resolution. After all, I can't expect my site to rank well and attract clients if I don't keep it live and fresh!

I'm glad you found this helpful. Thank you for stopping by with your well wishes!

Shauna L Bowling (author) from Central Florida on January 26, 2015:

Debra, I was getting a little lax with my site by the end of 2014. I made a vow to myself that I won't let that happen this year. Call it a New Year's resolution. After all, I can't expect my site to rank well and attract clients if I don't keep it live and fresh!

I'm glad you found this helpful. Thank you for stopping by with your well wishes!

Shauna L Bowling (author) from Central Florida on January 26, 2015:

Patti, it's all about respecting our guest writers and respecting ourselves enough to shine the light on other talented writers.

Thanx for your wonderful comment and the angels!

Peg Cole from North Dallas, Texas on January 26, 2015:

This really explains in detail how to make a guest post effective. I learned a lot from your article. Congratulations on Hub of the Day. It's nice to see a well-deserving post in this spot.

Mary Hyatt from Florida on January 26, 2015:

Just came back to say, Congrats on HOTD! I see you had asked me why I stopped blogging (from an earlier comment here). I started out on Blogger, but I found it was just too time consuming for me to keep it up. I admire all you folks who blog, but I just don't have the enthusiasm for it.

Debra Allen from West By God on January 26, 2015:

I have a website but have not even looked at it for over a year. This is great information and will bookmark it and share it too. Voted up! Congrats for HOTD!

Patricia Scott from North Central Florida on January 26, 2015:

Congrats on HOTD...this is such important information to have. Presenting someone in just the right way is a such a great thing to do.

Angels are on the way to you this morning ps

Shauna L Bowling (author) from Central Florida on January 26, 2015:

Thank you, Bill. Congrats to you, too. We earned HOTDs within a day of each other. Pretty darned cool, huh?

Shauna L Bowling (author) from Central Florida on January 26, 2015:

Thank you Gail. I was just passing on what I've learned. I'm glad my readers and HP staff appreciate my efforts.

Shauna L Bowling (author) from Central Florida on January 26, 2015:

Thank you, Linda. This HOTD award gives me a warm and fuzzy from HP staff.

Shauna L Bowling (author) from Central Florida on January 26, 2015:

Poetry man, guest posting is a great way to increase a blogger's online presence and credibility. Featuring them in a professional manner does the guest and the host justice.

Bill Holland from Olympia, WA on January 26, 2015:

Just came back to say congrats on the HOTD! It's always a pleasure when good writing is featured on this award site.

Gail Sobotkin from South Carolina on January 26, 2015:

Hi Sha,

Congratulations on earning HOTD for this excellent, professional, fact filled article about featuring guest bloggers on a website. It's good information for both the host, and the guest blogger to know and I thank you for sharing it.



Linda Bilyeu from Orlando, FL on January 26, 2015:

A very informative hub that deserves the HOTD! Congrats, Sha!!

poetryman6969 on January 26, 2015:

Some interesting advice. I have not tested these waters yet but I may have to.

Shauna L Bowling (author) from Central Florida on January 26, 2015:

Thanx, DJ. I was completely surprised - and delighted!

Shauna L Bowling (author) from Central Florida on January 26, 2015:

Heidi, I'm glad you found this helpful. That's what I was aiming for!

Shauna L Bowling (author) from Central Florida on January 26, 2015:

Thanx, Mar. I'm pretty excited about it!

DJ Anderson on January 26, 2015:

Congratulations on your Hub Of The Day award!

It is Great that they have recognized the excellence of you Hub.

Heidi Thorne from Chicago Area on January 26, 2015:

This was a very helpful post. So worthy of Hub of the Day! Congrats!

Maria Jordan from Jeffersonville PA on January 26, 2015:

Dear Sha,

This is a WELL-deserved HOTD - for content, detail and style... helpful to newbies and us old timers too! Congratulations, dear friend! Love, Maria

Shauna L Bowling (author) from Central Florida on January 26, 2015:

Thank you, Anika. I was quite surprised to receive HOTD. I'm pleased you found the information useful.

Anika Diaries on January 26, 2015:

Congrats on HOTD! Great piece of info must say.

Seems to be useful to me in near future. Thanks.

Shauna L Bowling (author) from Central Florida on January 26, 2015:

Good luck with your blog, Rota! I hope you'll refer back to this when you invite guest writers. Thank you for reading!

Shauna L Bowling (author) from Central Florida on January 26, 2015:

Thank you, Flourish. It's my first ever! And it only took 3 years, 3 months to get there! :-)

Shauna L Bowling (author) from Central Florida on January 26, 2015:

Thank you, Rebecca and Happy Birthday!

Rota on January 26, 2015:

just what I needed. it's all pretty foreign to me but as a new blogger i will be looking to have guest posts

How To Start A Blog For Writers


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